Park Update – June 2022

Summer is fast approaching, and our marina opened back up for the season on May 15th. Overnight reservations for the Park’s 20 boat slips are accepted up to 11 months in advance . The marina season will be getting cut short this year, as they will be getting fully re-decked beginning in early August. We’ve also made an adjustment based on analysis of previous years’ use to our hourly use slips. This year, Slip 6 only will be made available for hourly, on a first-come/first-served basis each day except for Summerfest, Germanfest and Air/Water Show weekends when the marina is fully reserved.

Special Group Volunteer Project: Last year, we were able to work with a group of volunteers to complete a new coat of paint to half of the harbor railings down by the Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse. We are looking for a group to assist us again this year in finishing up the remaining railings. If you have a group that may be interested, reach out to Angela with any questions and to schedule a date to come out!

Thank you to all of the volunteers that have assisted us so far this season, with litter cleanups, invasive species removal, and prairie plantings! Truly, we could not complete our major projects without all of your help, and it is greatly appreciated!

Note that the main ‘island’ portion of the park will be closed due to firework discharges on the following dates this month associated with events at Henry Maier Festival Park: 6/4, 6/9, 6/11 and 6/23. From approximately 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm, the park will be closed to visitors between the pedestrian bridge and the back of Summerfest’s BMO stage to ensure visitor and staff safety until discharge and safety inspections are complete.

And lastly, I’m trying to keep this short because we have a large number of public events coming up in June! Our educator staff members are keeping themselves busy and offering a wide variety of events for everyone to enjoy, so check out the upcoming events and come learn something new! For more information on each event, visit the Friends Facebook page or search for ‘Lakeshore State Park’ on the DNR’s Event page.

Angela Vickio
Superintendent – Milwaukee State Parks Work Unit

Upcoming Events
All events meet at the Park’s north entrance, just west of Discovery World, unless otherwise noted.

  • Saturday, June 4 – 9:30-10:30 Bird Hike
  • Saturday, June 11 – 1 to 2:30 Apps for Plant and Animal Identification
  • Monday, June 13: 9:30 to 11 a.m. – National Weed Your Garden Day Volunteer Park Weeding
  • Tuesday, June 14 – 6 to 7:30 Flag Day Veteran’s Hike
  • Wednesday, June 15 – 6-7pm Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
  • Wednesday, June 15 – 7-9pm Beach ‘Bonfire’ (Meets at Pebble Beach)
  • Thursday, June 16 – 6 to 7:30  Wild Edible Plants / Plantas silvestres comestibles (bilingual)
  • Friday, June 17 – 6-7:30 Pollinator Hike
  • Saturday, June 18 – 1 p.m. to 2:30 Fossil Hike / Caminata de fósiles (bilingual)
  • Sunday, June19 – 1 to 2:30 Father’s Day Fishing Clinic / Aprender a pescar con Papá para el Día del padre (bilingual) (Meets at South Entrance)
  • Tuesday, June 21 – 7 – 8:30 pm Summer Solstice Sunset Hike / Caminata al puesto del sol para el Solsticio de Verano (bilingual)
  • Sunday, June 26 – 1-2pm Prairie Phenology Hike
  • Sunday, June 26 – 7 – 8:30 pm Sunset Hike / Caminata al puesto del sol (bilingual)
  • Tuesday, June 28 – 6 to 7:30 – History of Lakeshore State Park Hike / Caminata histórica del parque estatal Lakeshore (bilingual)