Because Lakeshore Park has a beautiful and unique location between Lake Michigan and the Summerfest lagoon, water naturally plays a key role in many of our park’s activities. Two popular water events welcomed back this August were the Dragon Boat Festival and the Canoemobile – see the photo collage below.
We have many more planned events in this month. The weekend of September 10th and 11th we’re celebrating Girl Scouting with activities open to everyone. On Sunday morning, visit one of the food trucks that will be parked on the green by the pebble beach, then try out your skills with kayaks, canoes and paddleboards provided courtesy of the Milwaukee Kayak Company. The monthly Park Update below, courtesy of Elaine Zautke, our park manager, gives details about these and other activities that will available this month – something for everyone and free for all.
To help you keep track of all these activities, check out our new calendar feature on our website at . Through long hours of volunteer work, Joseph has been using his expertise to transform our site with many improvements – thank you, Joseph!
Summer seems to be moving by quickly, doesn’t it? To take advantage all the fun and educational activities available at the park during the remaining warm days ahead, please plan a visit soon
David Wenstrup
President, Friends of Lakeshore State Park