April 2024 Events

Greetings Friends!

After a mild winter and during this slow to warm up spring, park wildlife are preparing for the warmer weather ahead. Numerous ducks can be seen along the shoreline diving for food. Mating season is underway, with male Red-breasted Mergansers racing for a female’s affections, and Common Golden Eye males throwing back and bobbing their heads furiously to gain the attention of a potential mate – look for these birds before they soon migrate north! 

Warmer weather means Lakeshore staff are moving about the park too, maintaining the prairies and making improvements to the marina so the slips are more accessible and it’s easier for folks to get in and out of their boats. When in the park, stop and say hello to the friendly DNR staff as they prepare for another busy season! 

Upcoming Events

Apr 4th  6:00pm-7:00pm: Walk after Work! (North Entrance)
Apr 8th  1:00pm-3:00pm: Eclipse Viewing Event (Pebble Beach)
Apr 11th  6:00pm-7:00pm: Dog and Me Walk (North Entrance)
Apr 14th 11:00am-12:00pm: Gardening with Native Plants (North Entrance)
Apr 19th  6:00pm-7:00pm: Spring Bird Migration Hike (North Entrance)
Apr 20th  9:00am-12:00pm: Earth Day Clean Up with Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Apr 20th. 1:00pm-2:00pm: Earth Day Hike 
Apr 26th  5:30pm-6:30pm: Arbor Day Tree Walk (North Entrance)
Apr 27th  10:00am-11:00am: Prairie Hike, (North Entrance)

Event details are available here: FLSP Events Page

Save the Dates

May 15th  6pm-8:30pm. Evening bonfire with smore’s
Jun 19th. 6pm-8:30pm. Evening bonfire with smore’s
Jul 7th    time TBA. Brunch By the Beach with food trucks
Jul 23rd.  6pm-8:30pm. Evening bonfire with smore’s
Aug21st.  6pm-8:30pm. Evening bonfire with smore’s
Sep 7th.  time TBD. Wildflowers By the Water: Music, Food and Art
Sep 18th  5:30pm-7:30pm. Evening bonfire with smore’s

Our park educators offer a wide variety of programs for both kids and adults, such as fishing clinics (no license required for children 15 and under) and events that focus on nature education and exploration, all designed to be hands-on and family-friendly.

Volunteer for Riverkeeper Cleanup, Apr 20th!

The Friends of Lakeshore State Park is one of many host sites for the annual Earth Day cleanup in the greater Milwaukee Area. This is a fun way to get together outside and help keep our parks and waterways clean.
Six more volunteers are needed to help on Saturday, April 20th.
If interested, please register here: https://tinyurl.com/FLSP-MRK
(adults only due to the hazardous rocky areas by the shore)

After the cleanup, there will be a Rock the Green celebration at the Harley Davidson Museum. We hope to see you at the park and afterwards!


Membership Matters 

Membership with the Friends of Lakeshore State Park helps ensure the continued growth and protection of the Park in many ways including maintaining trails, enhancing habitat for our resident foxes and other wildlife, and promoting environmental education programs that inspire visitors of all ages. 

As a member, you will contribute directly to vital conservation initiatives and ongoing improvement projects. Your support is essential to the continues success of the Park. 

Please consider making a donation below today!

Park Pal Memberships
Individual: $25
Family: $50

Prairie Patron Memberships
Rock Prairie: $100
Fox Prairie: $250
Kid’s Prairie: $500
Big Prairie: $1,000

Thank you! to the following members who recently joined or renewed:
Andrea Petrich