January brought us record breaking cold weather and the Lakeshore State Park lagoon finally froze over.
While folks looking to ice fish were excited to see this change, the park’s waterfowl may not have been as enthusiastic. Migrating birds need open water to stay warm and feed, and so can often be found congregating close to the park’s pedestrian bridge and marina. In the past few weeks, birders have enjoyed viewing the many waterfowl such as the Greater and Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, and Red-breasted Merganser. The warmer recent weather has melted much of the ice which is now dangerously thin. When colder weather does return, be sure to dress appropriately while enjoying our park, a winter bird haven next to the city!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, February 9th: Second Sunday Bird Walk: 8:30AM-10:00AM
Join experienced birders from Milwaukee Birders and Friends of Lakeshore State Park for a bird walk through the park. Birds identified will be tracked using eBird. Scopes will be available for viewing distant birds. Bring your binoculars, all ages and abilities welcome! Please contact https://milwaukeebirders.org for more information on this and other bird walks available in the area.

Save the Date
Sunday, March 9th: Second Sunday Bird Walk: 8:30AM-10:00AM
Do you want to help plan or volunteer with events?
Please complete a volunteer interest form!
A Message from Outgoing President, David Wenstrup
Dear Readers- a little over three years ago, I accepted the role of board president of our Friends organization. It has been an honor to serve, and I am grateful for the wonderful experiences I’ve had with our volunteers, board and committee members, the DNR, and community partners, all who help make our park a special place. While my term ended in December of last year, I look forward to continued volunteering in various ways with FLSP, including participating at our upcoming events!
Now I am thrilled to introduce you to our next president, Melissa Shaw! I met Melissa while volunteering at environmental education events, hosted by Milwaukee Riverkeeper among other organizations, where I was struck by her enthusiasm.
She joined our board in June of 2023, quickly demonstrating a passion for the park and willingness to use her talent to help advance the work of the Friends, contributing with several of our committees while also serving as Vice President for the past two years.
Melissa is a Project Manager for Xylem in their Wastewater Treatment Division, a role which naturally lends itself to working to protect, enhance and promote our urban, lakeside park. She willingly takes on leadership roles and advocates on behalf of the park everywhere she goes! She and her husband Andrew and their two young children can be seen at many FLSP events. She is passionate about serving our community, spreading the word of the importance of protecting our water resources and enhancing our beautiful lakefront park. Melissa’s commitment, energy, experience, management expertise and smile ensure that FLSP will thrive under her leadership – welcome Melissa!
All Aboard All Hands Boatworks!
One way to get through the winter months around Milwaukee is to plan outdoor activities for the warmer months which can be enjoyed on our beautiful lakefront, rivers, and inland lakes.This mindset certainly is true at All Hands Boatworks, Inc. (AHB) a nonprofit youth development organization based in Milwaukee. Now in its 12th year, AHB offers a broad range of project-based, hands-on learning for youths from 10 to 21 years old, including introductory boatbuilding, a semester-long shop class, after-school teen mentoring and skills, trade skills explorations, summer camps, and of course, on-the-water boating activities.

AHB has made a positive impact for so many in our community! Over the years, they have mentored more than 6,500 Milwaukee-area youths, guiding them through the construction of over 155 wooden boats used for rowing, paddling, and sailing our local waters.
A variety of boats are built, ranging from prams and rowboats to kayaks, canoes, sailboats, and 24’ rowing gigs. For many youths in our area, these projects are their initial introduction to boating, sometimes their first connection to Milwaukee’s urban rivers and lakefront, a connection made more powerful with boats built using their own hands!
Through their “Boats For All Folks” initiative, AHB aims to expand small boating activities for families and the broader community, engaging more in meaningful and safe on-the-water recreation and encouraging an appreciation of our urban natural resources. Programs include free community rowing days, group rowing and teambuilding, youth day camps, and a youth rowing program.
In recent years, AHB has held several memorable on-water programs for school groups at Lake Shore State Park. Looking ahead, AHB is working to collaborate with FLSP and the Wisconsin DNR to find ways to enhance the experience of Park visitors through their programs, enabling more people to enjoy the beautiful natural resource we have right here on Milwaukee’s doorstep!
For more information, visit www.allhandsboatworks.org. for information about youth programs, community workshops, and volunteer opportunities. AHB’s boat shop and offices are located in the Walker’s Point neighborhood at 621 S. 12th Street, Milwaukee (414-404-8213).

Membership Matters
Membership with the Friends of Lakeshore State Park helps ensure the continued growth and protection of the Park in many ways including maintaining trails, enhancing habitat for our resident foxes and other wildlife, and promoting environmental education programs that inspire visitors of all ages.
As a member, you will contribute directly to vital conservation initiatives and ongoing improvement projects. Your support is essential to the continued success of the Park.
Please consider making a donation below today!
Park Pal Memberships
Individual: $25
Family: $50
Prairie Patron Memberships
Rock Prairie: $100
Fox Prairie: $250
Kid’s Prairie: $500
Big Prairie: $1,000