February 2025 Newsletter

January brought us record breaking cold weather and the Lakeshore State Park lagoon finally froze over.

While folks looking to ice fish were excited to see this change, the park’s waterfowl may not have been as enthusiastic. Migrating birds need open water to stay warm and feed, and so can often be found congregating close to the park’s pedestrian bridge and marina. In the past few weeks, birders have enjoyed viewing the many waterfowl such as the Greater and Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, and Red-breasted Merganser. The warmer recent weather has melted much of the ice which is now dangerously thin.  When colder weather does return, be sure to dress appropriately while enjoying our park, a winter bird haven next to the city!

Upcoming Events

Sunday, February 9th: Second Sunday Bird Walk: 8:30AM-10:00AM

Join experienced birders from Milwaukee Birders and Friends of Lakeshore State Park for a bird walk through the park. Birds identified will be tracked using eBird. Scopes will be available for viewing distant birds. Bring your binoculars, all ages and abilities welcome! Please contact https://milwaukeebirders.org for more information on this and other bird walks available in the area.

Sunday Birders at Lakeshore State Park, winter of 2024 (photo by David Wenstrup)
Sunday Birders at Lakeshore State Park, winter of 2024 (photo by David Wenstrup)

Save the Date

Sunday, March 9th: Second Sunday Bird Walk: 8:30AM-10:00AM

Do you want to help plan or volunteer with events?
Please complete a volunteer interest form!

A Message from Outgoing President, David Wenstrup

Dear Readers- a little over three years ago, I accepted the role of board president of our Friends organization. It has been an honor to serve, and I am grateful for the wonderful experiences I’ve had with our volunteers, board and committee members, the DNR, and community partners, all who help make our park a special place. While my  term ended in December of last year, I look forward to continued volunteering in various ways with FLSP, including participating at our upcoming events!

Now I am thrilled to introduce you to our next president, Melissa Shaw! I met Melissa while volunteering at environmental education events, hosted by Milwaukee Riverkeeper among other organizations, where I was struck by her enthusiasm. 

She joined our board in June of 2023, quickly demonstrating a passion for the park and willingness to use her talent to help advance the work of the Friends, contributing with several of our committees while also serving as Vice President for the past two years.

Melissa is a Project Manager for Xylem in their Wastewater Treatment Division, a role which naturally lends itself to working to protect, enhance and promote our urban, lakeside park. She willingly takes on leadership roles and advocates on behalf of the park everywhere she goes! She and her husband Andrew and their two young children can be seen at many FLSP events. She is passionate about serving our community, spreading the word of the importance of protecting our water resources and enhancing our beautiful lakefront park. Melissa’s commitment, energy, experience, management expertise and smile ensure that FLSP will thrive under her leadership – welcome Melissa!

All Aboard All Hands Boatworks!

One way to get through the winter months around Milwaukee is to plan outdoor activities for the warmer months which can be enjoyed on our beautiful lakefront, rivers, and inland lakes.This mindset certainly is true at All Hands Boatworks, Inc. (AHB) a nonprofit youth development organization based in Milwaukee.  Now in its 12th year, AHB offers a broad range of project-based, hands-on learning for youths from 10 to 21 years old, including introductory boatbuilding, a semester-long shop class, after-school teen mentoring and skills, trade skills explorations, summer camps, and of course, on-the-water boating activities.  

AHB has made a positive impact for so many in our community! Over the years, they have mentored more than 6,500 Milwaukee-area youths, guiding them through the construction of over 155 wooden boats used for rowing, paddling, and sailing our local waters.

A variety of boats are built, ranging from prams and rowboats to kayaks, canoes, sailboats, and 24’ rowing gigs. For many youths in our area, these projects are their initial introduction to boating, sometimes their first connection to Milwaukee’s urban rivers and lakefront, a connection made more powerful with boats built using their own hands! 

Through their “Boats For All Folks” initiative, AHB aims to expand small boating activities for families and the broader community, engaging more in meaningful and safe on-the-water recreation and encouraging an appreciation of our urban natural resources. Programs include free community rowing days, group rowing and teambuilding, youth day camps, and a youth rowing program.

In recent years, AHB has held several memorable on-water programs for school groups at Lake Shore State Park. Looking ahead, AHB is working to collaborate with FLSP and the Wisconsin DNR to find ways to enhance the experience of Park visitors through their programs, enabling more people to enjoy the beautiful natural resource we have right here on Milwaukee’s doorstep!

For more information, visit www.allhandsboatworks.org. for information about youth programs, community workshops, and volunteer opportunities. AHB’s boat shop and offices are located in the Walker’s Point neighborhood at 621 S. 12th Street, Milwaukee (414-404-8213).

Membership Matters 

Membership with the Friends of Lakeshore State Park helps ensure the continued growth and protection of the Park in many ways including maintaining trails, enhancing habitat for our resident foxes and other wildlife, and promoting environmental education programs that inspire visitors of all ages. 

As a member, you will contribute directly to vital conservation initiatives and ongoing improvement projects. Your support is essential to the continued success of the Park. 

Please consider making a donation below today!

Park Pal Memberships
Individual: $25
Family: $50

Prairie Patron Memberships
Rock Prairie: $100
Fox Prairie: $250
Kid’s Prairie: $500
Big Prairie: $1,000

2024 Year in Review

In 2024, Lakeshore State Park DNR staff and seasonal educators conducted 143 events and programs at no cost to schools, students, and members of the public.

Community volunteers dedicated over 500 hours as well, and together with the DNR, provided opportunity for so many to learn and experience the wonder of nature found here, right next to downtown Milwaukee. 

In 2025, the Friends’ plan to support the park includes:

  • park educators for expanded educational programming
  • a prescribed burn, with native seedings and plantings in the prairies
  • replacement deicers to keep the marina clear of ice
  • improved signage and adding a small tent for events.

Your support means a lot to our local community. We hope you enjoy our brief look back at this past year and share our excitement for 2025. Let’s make Lakeshore State Park a place everyone can enjoy, now and in the future!

year in review winter 24

With cold sunny temps, low wind and 9″ thick ice, January 20th was a perfect day for us to do a newsletter story about ice-fishing. Several large brown trout were caught that day, and in addition, two rarely seen long-eared owls and a rough-legged hawk were seen at the park – it was quite a winter day of action in the park!

dragonboat racing 2024

On August 10th, a FLSP team participated in the Milwaukee Dragon Boat FestivaL Hosted by the Milwaukee Chinese Community Center, the event brought together our community to enjoy traditional dance, music, and dragon boats. With 51 teams in the race, many from some of Milwaukee’s leading companies, this event was a true reflection of the strong corporate and community spirit that drives our city, while showcasing our park as a premier venue! 

volunteers from Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee and the Rotary Club of Milwaukee

Park prairies thrived thanks to many hours of work by DNR staff and others, including volunteers from the Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee and the Rotary Club of Milwaukee. Habitat was improved through a private donation of native trees and shrubs, and vegetative mats which were donated by the Garden Club and the Woman’s Club of Wisconsin.

2nd annual Wildflower on the Water, a Friends Gathering

September 7th we partnered with Sarah Fierek on the 2nd annual Wildflower on the Water, a Friends Gathering. This free festival celebrated nature, music, dance, and art, with a variety of free, family-fun activities. The Friends and Sarah Fierek are very grateful for the generous support of sponsors, the talented artists and dedicated volunteers who all made this event possible. Net proceeds support park programs and infrastructure.

Wooly Bear Crossing

Park naturalists led many free hikes. An upgraded purple martin house had 100% occupancy this year. A cute “Wooly Bear Crossing” sign was made by season DNR staff. The Friends donated protective eyewear for the eclipse viewing.

Upcoming Events

Our park educators offer a wide variety of programs for both kids and adults and events that focus on nature education and exploration, all designed to be hands-on and family friendly.

We hope you look forward to these upcoming events!

  • Sunday, January 12: Second Sunday Bird Walk, 8-10AM milwaukeebirders.org.  (South Entrance) 

Event details available here: FLSP Events Page
Contact: Elaine Zautke (Park Manager) elaine.zautke@wisconsin.gov414-274-4281
Please note this change! All events will start at the park south entrance unless otherwise indicated. Public parking on the south side behind Summerfest Grounds can be found by entering “Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse” into a GPS map program. Approximate coordinates to the start location: 43.029163, -87.895880

This Month’s Newsletter Contributors:

Elaine Zautke, DNR Park Manager
David Wenstrup, FLSP Board Chair

About the Friends: https://friendslsp.org/about/

Autumn Arrives


While the beginning of this October has been mild, fall has officially arrived at Lakeshore State Park. Only a few forbs remain and wind sweeps the park, rustling the drying grasses. Early fall is prime viewing for some of the last flowering plants. Take a stroll through the park and view a variety of Asters (genus: Symphyotrichum) before they fade and go to seed. 

Upcoming Events

Our park educators offer a wide variety of programs for both kids and adults and events that focus on nature education and exploration, all designed to be hands-on and family friendly. We hope you look forward to these upcoming events!

 New England Aster- S. novae angliae

October 6: Public Seed Collecting Extravaganza, 3:00-4:30 PM (south entrance)

October 16: Scavenger Hike, 5:00-6:00 PM (south entrance)

October 16: Beach Bonfire and S’mores, 5:00-7:00 PM (pebble beach)

November 15: “Rock your Mocs” Hike, 5:30pm-6:30pm (south entrance)

November 29: #OptOutside Hike, 11:00am-12:00pm (south entrance)

December 6: Christmas in the Ward 5:30-8:30PM (Catalano Square)

Event details available here: FLSP Events Page
Contact: Elaine Zautke (Park Manager) elaine.zautke@wisconsin.gov414-274-4281

Please note this change! All events will start at the park south entrance unless otherwise indicated. Public parking on the south side behind Summerfest Grounds can be found by entering “Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse” into a GPS map program. Approximate coordinates to the start location: 43.029163, -87.895880

Welcome Our New Board Members!

Stephanie Sansoucie is an executive coach with Thrive Dept. and Wisconsin Master Naturalist who enjoys spending time with the bumblebees of Lakeshore State Park. With a passion for both our natural world and our local community, she’s delighted to support efforts to protect and promote our beautiful urban gem. Stephanie brings her expertise in creative leadership and her love for the outdoors to her role on the board of Friends of Lakeshore State Park.

Andrez Aldape is an IT Data Analyst at Johnson Controls. He loves music, the outdoors and his German shepherd, Kumori. Andrez cares about the park because of its biodiversity and prime location, one that he’s visited since childhood. He has found the Friends to be a great group of people that truly care about our community and the park, and looks forward to making positive impact on the park and community.

Mike Marek is a Landscape Ecologist and founder of Marek Landscaping, LLC, a 28 year business based in Milwaukee.Their mission is “Protecting and restoring ecosystems where people and nature connect”.  He’s the father of a 13 year old girl and 15 year old boy and lives in Riverwest. He is an avid canoeist, kayaker, surfer, free diver, skier, snowboarder, biker, foodie, and loves combining all of it with camping.  His passion for Great Lakes ecology, water health, and fostering a healthy, diverse, and connected community are what led him to accept a board position with the Friends.

Want to know more about joining our board or a committee?
Please email inquiries to admin@friendslsp.org

Some Recent Activities in the Park

On September 16th, volunteers from Navico Group helped keep the park beautiful during their company’s Global Cleanup Day. Lakeshore State Park was one of 12 sites around the globe selected by the company for a cleanup. Many thanks to these volunteers including our board member Lee Kanwar of Navico who helped make this happen! 

Did you notice how many more purple martins were at the park this season? Their chatter could often be heard by the park marina where they fully occupied their beautiful new home then taking off to fly in circles hunting insects in the air.The purple martins left several weeks ago, but they don’t do a clean-up on the way out, leaving more work for volunteers who lowered the house and cleaned each of the boxes to make ready for the return of purple martins next spring!  Cornell Lab has more information about these fascinating birds here:

About Purple Martins

Get Involved! 

We’re dedicated to environmental education and local community engagement. By supporting The Friends of Lakeshore State Park, our partners help us continue these vital programs and keep the park beautiful and accessible. Interested in joining us on our mission? Let’s connect! email admin@friendslsp.org

Coming Later in October: Creatures in the Park Lagoon!

For our story this month we interviewed Professor John Berges of UWM about small critters lurking in the park lagoon. We aren’t ready to share this story will you just yet, please look for an email in a couple weeks.

Membership Matters

Membership with the Friends of Lakeshore State Park helps ensure the continued growth and protection of the Park in many ways including maintaining trails, enhancing habitat for our resident foxes and other wildlife, and promoting environmental education programs that inspire visitors of all ages. 

As a member, you will contribute directly to vital conservation initiatives and ongoing improvement projects. Your support is essential to the continues success of the Park.

September 2024 Newsletter

Warm Welcome, Friends of Lakeshore State Park! 

As the summer months come to an end, we wanted to share some exciting news and invite you to join us for a special event that celebrates our beautiful Milwaukee community. We’re thrilled to bring back the 2nd Annual Wildflowers on the Water Festival on September 7th from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. 

This year’s festival is a unique collaboration led by Sarah Fierek, a passionate singer-songwriter and the founder of Sincerely in Song. “The mission of Sincerely in Song is really to uplift and support nonprofit causes with our music and the likeness of our brand,” Sarah explains. Her dedication to creating meaningful music partnerships aligns perfectly with the goals of Friends of Lakeshore State Park.  

This park is one of the only free urban state parks in Wisconsin, and we want everyone to know that it is their park to enjoy and preserve. It’s a hidden gem in the city, offering a unique natural retreat in downtown Milwaukee.

Sarah Fierek

The Wildflowers on the Water festival is not just a celebration of nature; it’s a movement to activate and support public green spaces in Milwaukee. “Our goal is to bring awareness to the park, foster community engagement, and help provide funding for projects that will enhance this beautiful urban oasis,” says Fierek. By connecting music, art, and nature, the festival aims to inspire a deeper connection to the environment and encourage continued support for Lakeshore State Park. 

The event will feature a wide array of artists and partner organizations. “We’ve intentionally brought together a wide range of artists to highlight our great creators in the city,” she says. From community drumming, live cello, and a variety of musicians passionate about supporting our parks. Attendees can also participate in artistic activities like painting wildflower-themed canvases, making this event a true celebration of creativity and community. Full line up, details and a list of our sponsors for the 2nd Annual Wildflowers on the Water can be found here. We are grateful for all of our donors who support our mission.   

For those who can’t attend the event, there are still many ways to support the mission of Friends of Lakeshore State Park. “Donating to the cause, volunteering your time, or simply bringing a friend to the park are all meaningful ways to get involved,” Sarah emphasizes. She adds, “This park is one of the only free urban state parks in Wisconsin, and we want everyone to know that it is their park to enjoy and preserve. It’s a hidden gem in the city, offering a unique natural retreat in downtown Milwaukee.” 

To listen to Sarah Fierek’s song “Wildflowers” or purchase Wildflowers merchandise supporting the mission of Friends of Lakeshore State Park, visit her website

Upcoming Events 

Our park educators offer a wide variety of programs for both kids and adults, focusing on nature education and exploration. All events are designed to be hands-on and family friendly. 

All events meet at the park’s north entrance near Discovery World unless otherwise indicated. 
Contact: Elaine Zautke (Park Manager) 414.274.4281 | elaine.zautke@wisconsin.gov. 

(All events and details can be found on our website and Facebook page 

September 7 

  • Wildflowers on the Water Festival 
  • Take and Make: Native Plants for Tea – 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM 
  • Late Summer Prairie Walk – 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM 

September 14 

  • Wild Lemonade – 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM 

September 15 

  • Public Fishing Clinic – 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 

September 18 

  • Spider Search – 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 
  • Canoemobile Open Paddle and Beach Bonfire – 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM 

September 22 

  • Bookmark Making – 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM 
  • Autumnal Equinox Hike – 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 

Membership Matters 

Membership with the Friends of Lakeshore State Park helps ensure the continued growth and protection of the Park in many ways, including maintaining trails, enhancing habitats for our resident foxes and other wildlife, and promoting environmental education programs that inspire visitors of all ages. 

As a member, you contribute directly to vital conservation initiatives and ongoing improvement projects. Your support is essential to the continued success of the Park. 

A Seasonal Transition

With a late start to summer, it may feel as though this season shouldn’t be ending, but the park’s native warm-season grasses can be seen swaying in the wind, marking the beginning of fall. While these grasses may not appear as beautiful at surface level, they hold their own beauty and benefit. The gray-blue blades of Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardi) and the yellow seed heads of Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans) are especially beautiful during sunrises and sunsets. And if you’re lucky, you might smell the sweet, nutty scent of Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)  on the wind; some say it even smells like popcorn. This unique grass can be found along the Kid’s Prairie trails and the wetland prairie gravel path. These grasses are important to the nutrient cycle of the prairie and help provide protection and food for wildlife during colder months. We hope to see you in the park, enjoying this changing landscape!

Tall grass prairie, Lakeshore State Park: photo by David Wenstrup
Tall grass prairie, Lakeshore State Park: photo by David Wenstrup

The Milwaukee Chinese Community Center Dragon Boat Festival!

Drum up some fun at the Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival! On Saturday August 10th, the colorful dragon boats will return to Lakeshore State Park. This vibrant celebration of culture and tradition promises an exciting day of dragon boat racing, cultural performances and family-friendly fun.  

The festival is organized by the Milwaukee Chinese Community Center (MCCC), an incredible nonprofit dedicated to promoting Chinese language education, culture outreach and social engagement. 

Check out the Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival and plan your weekend in the City of Festivals today! 

Kathryn Lavey of VISIT Milwaukee recently sat down with Olivia Wang, Director of Public Relations of the MCCC, who gave the inside scoop on this fascinating tradition and shared what makes it such a unique and beloved event.  Read the interview below.

How has Dragon Boat Racing evolved over the years? 

It was originally celebrated in China only, but there have been so many changes around the world. The sport gained international attention in the 20th century, particularly after the first Hong Kong international dragon boat races in 1976. This helped to promote the sport globally.  

When did Milwaukee’s Dragon Boat Festival get started, and how and what inspired the tradition along Lake Michigan? 

Back in 2011, the first Chinese cultural festival organized by MCCC, which is in Milwaukee Chinese Community Center, featured a dragon boat demonstration. And then in 2013, the Chinese Cultural Festival transformed into the Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival. This year, 2024, should be the 10th festival because we skipped two years for the pandemic, 2020 and 2021. I think the event is a decade old this year. 

Do you have any special plans to commemorate the ten years? 

We want to do some charity work for Milwaukee. We connected to United Way and decided to donate half of our proceeds. This year, we’re going to have a cashing check ceremony.  

For anyone unfamiliar with dragon boat racing, how is the sport similar to and different from other rowing competitions? 

At the very beginning, I was confused too. They share so many similarities. They both like the teamwork thing. Both sports require synchronized efforts from the team members and people that physically can do it. It requires strength and power, and you must not fear the water, at least. The racing goal is to reach the finish line first, so those two look very similar.  

But there are also some differences between the two. The dragon boat is a long and decorative boat with dragon heads and single bladed paddles, and it includes a drummer to keep rhythm and a steersperson, but rowing doesn’t have those. The rowing boat is sleek and lightweight. The rowers of a rowing boat are backward, which is different from a dragon boat. The rowing boat has long roars and people paddle from both sides, but in dragon boat, people only paddle from one side.   

As I mentioned earlier, dragon boat racing is one of the fastest growing water sports in the world. There are over 50 teams participating in this year’s festivities at the Dragon boat racing or at the Dragon Boat Festival in Milwaukee. You mentioned it’s the ten-year anniversary, how have you seen it grow in Milwaukee over the years? 

Back in 2011, I don’t think there were any dragon boat festivals in Milwaukee because we were the first ones here. After that, we started with only like 4 or 5 teams paddling at the very beginning. But now, as of today, we have 52 teams registered for this year. And, we still have a waiting list because we are all volunteers. 

With such a strong growth of the sport, and with the Olympics around the corner, Dragon boat racing will be represented at the Olympics in the form of a demonstration sport. What would you describe is drawing people to the sport? And can we call it an Olympic hopeful? 

To be honest, I don’t know. I mean, with the increased global attention, participation, media coverage and a lot of interest in this sport, it’s possible. Again, this sport is backed up with a deep culture. So, if the culture can be accepted and understood globally, then the Olympics can be a helpful thing.

And what do you suppose is drawing people to the sport? 

I think it’s teamwork. Nowadays it’s very important to show the teamwork spirit, and how you can work with different people and cooperate with the people around you. I think that is a very attractive point of this sport. And also, it’s fun. It’s so fun. I mean, 20 people are paddling together on the water. It’s so cool to do something like this. Also, it requires your strength and power, and you need to communicate with your team members and especially with the drummers. It’s fun to do and it shows a healthy lifestyle. That’s something that can be attractive for people to come. 

What is the typical range of experience required to participate in dragon boat racing? You mentioned the power and effort needed to participate, but do you need to be a paddle sports expert or are beginners also welcome? 

No, you don’t have to be a professional. For the Dragon Boat Festival in Milwaukee, we are open to all age groups.  

Anyone, as long as you want to try water sports and you want to have some fun, you’re welcome to join in and register with some of the teams. But if you want to do a serious competition with professional teams, you may want to get fully equipped with your muscle. 

What’s the secret to success for teams that win? Are there any inside tips and tricks that we can give our readers to help teams stay afloat? 

Perfect synchronization is very, very important in this sport. All the paddlers of each side need to paddle at the same time to maximize power and efficiency. They need to do the same thing at the same time. This is very crucial for this game. A good drummer and steersperson are essential for maintaining the rhythm and direction. The steersperson is the person who is in charge of the direction, and you don’t want to hit other people’s boats. Also, clear communication among the team members helps to ensure everyone is in sync and can respond quickly to changes. 

Let’s talk a little bit about the day’s festivities. What can visitors and locals looking to get involved in the Dragon Boat Festival expect? And then, beyond the races, can you share a little bit about or a little bit of information about the cultural performances and vendors that will add to the day’s festivities as well? 

The day of the event, we’re going to have a beer garden and a Chinese barbecue. And we have vendors for food and some market fairs for the culture. I think we have a Chinese dance, the singing and monk dance because we invited some other AAPI communities to come join us for the festival. We also have a kid’s area, it’s a bouncing house kind of thing that kids can jump around on. 

And like I said earlier, there’s so much going on around downtown that weekend. It will be a great thing for people that are already downtown to just stop in and be able to see the dragon boat races. Admission is free. So, if people are driving past the highway and they can see the dragon boat races there, or they are just walking around the lake, and they can see people are there having fun on the water. 

You mentioned earlier in the interview the day’s festivities kick off with the dotting the eye of the Dragon opening ceremony. Can you talk about the significance of this ceremony? 

The Dotting the Eye of the Dragon ceremony is a significant tradition marking the start of the Dragon Boat festival, no matter in what country. The eyes of the dragon boat are painted with red ink to awaken the dragon spirit and invoke good fortune and protection for the crew. It’s rooted in the ancient Chinese belief that the ceremony honors the dragon as a powerful and prosperous symbol. Setting a festival at a culturally rich town for the day, engaging the spectators in the celebration. Well, it’s just like making people high. 

This event takes place at Lake Shore State Park, which is such a great backdrop for the event. Can you talk about the park’s atmosphere during this event and what it provides for it too?  

The atmosphere will be full of life, joy and sports. The park’s beautiful lake views make a perfect backdrop for the action. People will see the colorful dragon boats lining the water, and there will be a buzz of excitement as teams are getting ready to race. The air will be lively with the music, food and cultural performances. And it’s going to be like a fun and festival vibe for everyone there. I think there will be a lot of energy and people will enjoy the celebration. 

If a visitor were to come up to you and say, “I’m in town, I’m planning a day around the Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival.” Outside of the festival itself, where would you send them?  

Milwaukee Public Market. They have to start the morning with breakfast or a coffee at Milwaukee Public Market, which is a great way to open a day. Then, Lakeshore State Park. And after the event, they can go to the Milwaukee Art Museum, which is very close to Lakeshore State Park. They have a very impressive exhibit and the architecture of the building itself is amazing. They can also have Harbor House for dinner, which is a fun place for dining. You can view Lake Michigan while you eat. That would pretty much be my plan for that day.