Naturalist Notes May 2018

Naturalist Notes May 2018

Naturalist Notes March 2018 While some winter birds still enjoy our waters until they migrate to cooler regions, others are just beginning their return. Still in the waters are the Goldeneyes, Lesser Scaups, and Red-breasted Mergansers. We have sighted the first Tree Swallows of the season. Their wings and tails are dark grey and forked, […]

Naturalist Notes April 2018

Naturalist Notes April 2018

Naturalist Notes April 2018 As Spring begins to provide us with warmer weather, the first forbs, or flowering plants, are finally bringing a little color to the gardens at the front of the park. Prairie Smoke is the first to emerge! Geum triflorum: Native North American herbaceous perennial in the Rose familyCommon names: Prairie Smoke, […]

Naturalist Notes March 2018

Naturalist Notes March 2018

Naturalist Notes March 2018 The weather is beginning to warm up and the animals are starting to become more active. During the winter months, you may have seen some Coyote tracks around, and thanks to one of our park visitors, Michael DeBoer, we have photographic evidence of its presence. While Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been known to […]

Naturalist Notes February 2018

Naturalist Notes February 2018

Naturalist Notes February 2018 The temperatures have remained relatively stable, which means solid ice in the lagoon that is perfect for ice fishing. Waterfowl, however, do not share the same enthusiasm for ice cover. They are warmer and closer to their food source when they stay in open water areas during Wisconsin’s winters. The open […]

Naturalist Notes January 2018

Naturalist Notes January 2018

Naturalist Notes January 2018 The weather has gotten colder, and that means ice in the lagoon! Lakeshore State Park has had a busy ice fishing season, with multiple ice shanties up each day, and fishermen setting up tip-ups hoping to catch panfish and Brown Trout. Some have even still been successful in catching lingering Salmon […]

Naturalist Notes December 2017

Naturalist Notes December 2017

Naturalist Notes December 2017 Did you know that Lakeshore State Park is part of the Lake Michigan Flyway? The Lake Michigan Flyway is a subset of the Mississippi-Great Lakes Flyway, which describes common migratory patterns found in bird species. During Winter months, the seeds provided by the park’s prairies provide a reliable source of food […]