May 2024 Newsletter

May 2024 Newsletter

Hello Friends! Warmer temperatures are waking up the flora and the fauna at Lakeshore State Park!  Near the marina, resident groundhogs can be seen enjoying the spring sun. They are highly adaptable, able to live in various habitats. Lakeshore’s riprap and prairies offer a unique environment for a safe home, with plenty of vegetation for them […]

Sturgeon Protectors Signal Hope for our Rivers

Sturgeon Protectors Signal Hope for our Rivers

For the first time in many years, sturgeon are returning to our rivers. This has been the result of efforts by many groups, which Michael Timm reflects on in his recent article published in Urban Milwaukee: “Why do we care about the Sturgeon?” When Sturgeon return home, we should be thinking about what kind of […]

Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Foundation Grant

Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Foundation Grant

More park improvements are coming our way! Thanks to the help of park manager Elaine Zautke, the Friends were recently awarded a grant of $3,000 for vegetative mat installation for the south end of the park. These mats help reduce runoff and standing water during storms and wave surges, and provide habitat for many pollinator […]

April 2024 Events

April 2024 Events

Greetings Friends! After a mild winter and during this slow to warm up spring, park wildlife are preparing for the warmer weather ahead. Numerous ducks can be seen along the shoreline diving for food. Mating season is underway, with male Red-breasted Mergansers racing for a female’s affections, and Common Golden Eye males throwing back and bobbing their heads furiously to gain the […]

March 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter

Greetings Friends! Spring is in the air and so are migrating birds! Lakeshore State Park has experienced a mild winter and as temperatures grow ever warmer, animal activity in the park increases. Watch for signs of the resident foxes and birds on their migration journey. Wisconsin is part of the Mississippi Flyway and many ducks, geese, […]

Ice-Fishing Tips

Ice-Fishing Tips

Brian Haydin is the President of the Great Lakes Sport Fishermen, a local organization dedicated to the enjoyment, preservation and improvement of salmon and trout fishing in the Great Lakes. He’s also the Milwaukee Chair for the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. Brian lives in Bay View with his wife and two kids (8 and 15) and enjoys […]